Monday, January 23, 2006

Wisdom from a friend

I was checking out a friend of my sister's website. She's a writer who was in the masters program at the University of Iowa with my sister in the early 90s. Jen led me to her personal website and I was commenting on how beautiful her family was and how handsome her husband was. Jen said, "Tab said, 'Marry someone who's nice. My husband was a very nice man when I met him.'" They have three adorable children and she writes books for children and young adults. I was encouraged.

Marry a mean or unhappy man and I'm guessing you'll more than likely have a mean and unhappy marriage. I'd also guess it doesn't matter how he looks, what he does for a living or what side of the tracks he's from. If he's not nice, don't bother with him.

Food for thought.

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