Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Deer crossing

When Jen and I were heading to church on Sunday morning, we decided to take the newly paved back road off Old Dallas Hwy to JJ Flewellen Rd. It's an alternate route to church but was all rocks and potholes in the past. Much to our surprise, a deer leaped on to the dark gray pavement in front of us, seemingly focused on where he was going rather than the destination of his possible demise.

Jen was driving, so I had the opportunity to let my eyes follow his journey into the field. In sheer amazement, I told Jen, "Look, there's almost a dozen more! He must have been running to catch up with the rest of them." Jen, keeping her eyes on the road and trusting my commentary for what it was worth said, "Wow! Man, one thing you never want to do is hit a deer with in the road. You will wish you never did and that will be the end of your car. I can only assume some of them will now lose their lives because they didn't ask for the road to be paved."

If they didn't have white cottony tails and snow tipped ears, it would have been hard to spot all of them because they blended quite well in to the late fall/wintery brown hued scenery of the field. I of course wish I had my camera because I wanted to capture that beautiful sight. Like us, there will be many who will speed down this nicely paved, yet quiet road. I pray their safety and hope we ourselves are careful and they (the deer) are careful as well.

picture retrieved online

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